Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. Classes started almost three weeks ago and I’ve been very busy trying to keep up with classes and friends at the same time. These two things leave me almost no free time. I am taking four classes(all in English): Thermodynamics I, Electrical Basics Course, Fluids, and Technology of Metallic Materials. The professors are pretty good, sometimes they teach from slides and sometimes they work problems on the black board.
One of the main differences I’ve noticed between classes at MSU and classes here at Politecnico is the style of teaching. At MSU, and most other universities in the USA, most of the class time is focused on practical application of theorems and principals. On the other hand, here at Politecnico, most of the class time is devoted to the theory behind the application.
Also, the professors are a little different. Three of my classes are in the same room with the same people in each of the classes and the professors come to us. And I’m not sure how most of them feel about setting up appointments for help and questions like the professors at MSU do, but my Fluids professor already said that he wouldn’t mind that at all. He seems really eager to help us because there is not a text book written in English that follows the same curriculum that he will be teaching. Another aspect that will take some adjustment is that three hour classes here are very common. After sitting in classes for no longer than one and a half hours my whole life, these three hour classes can seem like an eternity. Luckily there is a break in the middle and a coffee machine not far away.
One of the more interesting classes I’m taking right now is Technology of Metallic Materials. I say that it is interesting not because of the coursework but because of the type of class. This class is taught by Firrao, the Dean of engineering here at Politecnico. There are only four students in the class: Ben, Joseph, Justin, and me. The small size allows for a more intimate setting than typical 30-40 person classes. It also gives us the opportunity to ask plenty of questions and spend more time on the subjects that we are interested in.
As far as the other three classes go, so far Thermo has proven to be the class that will require the most work; but I wouldn’t be surprised if Fluids begins to compete with that position soon.
On another note, since my last post, I have been really enjoying Torino. I visited the Egyptian museum here. It is supposed to be the 2nd best Egyptian collection in the world next to the one in Egypt. I also celebrated Italy’s 150th birthday. There were thousands of people in the street Wednesday, March 16th.
That night there were fireworks over the Po River and everything was open until late into the night. The next day was a school holiday and St. Patrick’s Day. So that night we went to the local Irish pub to celebrate.
That night there were fireworks over the Po River and everything was open until late into the night. The next day was a school holiday and St. Patrick’s Day. So that night we went to the local Irish pub to celebrate.
This past weekend, I went to Bologna for two nights. Not that I don’t love Torino, but I really wanted to get away for a few days. When I first arrived in Bologna, it looked exactly the same as Torino and I was a little disappointed. However, after spending half a day there, I realized that the culture was completely different. Everyone there was much more bohemian than the people in Torino. There are also a lot more young people there because there are so many Universities.
Some of the highlights of the trip were the churches
and the Musemo Civico. The Musemo Civico was a collection of artifacts from different time periods that were mostly found in and around Bologna. My favorite part of the museum was the jewelry
It was very impressive and made me realize just how rich the history of Bologna really is. Anyways, that’s all I have time for tonight….off to study Thermo!
and the Musemo Civico. The Musemo Civico was a collection of artifacts from different time periods that were mostly found in and around Bologna. My favorite part of the museum was the jewelry
It was very impressive and made me realize just how rich the history of Bologna really is. Anyways, that’s all I have time for tonight….off to study Thermo!